6332 S Rainbow Blvd. #100 Las Vegas, NV 89118, USA

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance coverage

If you drive a car, roadside assistance coverage can offer you valuable protection against any number of unpleasant incidences, including flat tires, emergency fuel need, overheated radiator, broken fuel lines, and the failure of your battery to start. Of course, a number of other problems are also covered and listed in your policy.

This type of coverage can save you money if something goes wrong with your car while you are out on the road. It doesn’t matter whether you are going to work, school, or store. The only thing that matters is that your roadside assistance policy is up-to-date and paid in full.

What Is Included with Your Roadside Assistance Coverage?

When you obtain roadside assistance coverage, you are protected against certain types of unfortunate circumstances that commonly occur with motor vehicles. They include each of the following major areas of roadside assistance commonly needed by motorists across the country:

  • Battery jump start – Battery failures are more common than some drivers realize. When it happens to you, knowing that you have roadside assistance coverage that gives your vehicle the jump-start that it needs brings you an instant sigh of relief.
  • Emergency fuel delivery – Out of gas? No problem! Your roadside coverage is going to get the necessary fuel delivered directly to your vehicle. Of course, you must pay for the cost of the fuel, but the delivery is free!
  • Emergency fluid delivery – If your vehicle overheats while you are out driving on the road, your coverage covers the cost to deliver the fluids it needs. The cost of the fluids is your responsibility.
  • Flat tire change – Eventually, almost every driver experiences the dreaded flat tire. No worries though, because with your roadside assistance coverage, you can have a trained professional place your spare tire on the vehicle.
  • Locksmith service – It’s easy to lose your car keys, and when you do, having this type of insurance immediately brings you relief by way of a qualified provider of locksmith services.